
Share the Power: updates to the Eternal Power Calculator

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- As Eternal enters full release, brewers can now share or store Power base visualizations generated by the fan-built Eternal Power Calculator at Shiftstoned by creating a unique link for their decklist. Full support for modifying Markets on the fly has also been added.

Streams Come True:
featuring Grimfan

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- Just hours before the first-ever community qualifying event for the Eternal World Championship 2019, Grimfan tweeted out to his followers: “I've decided I'd like to stream more than I want to win.” In the end he did both, taking first place with ET Combrei Aggro and doing it all on camera.

Trail Stories: PapaCapricorn

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- Shiftstoned's PapaCapricorn toasts marshmallows with MantidMan as part of the Trail Stories series profiling members of the Eternal community. They cover community, story-telling and the origins of the Eternal Power Calculator in this special feature presented by Team Rankstar.

Unusual Suspects:
featuring Kaelos

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- Kaelos speaks with Shiftstoned about her unconventional approach to deck-building on the heels of a first-place finish in an ECL weekly event. Science, community and the healing power of games are just a few of the topics that emerge from our conversation about Power bases in Eternal.

featuring camat0

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- camat0 sits down with Shiftstoned to discuss the Power bases behind all four of his winning lists from the Eternal Community League's inaugural Sunday Challenge event. We talk Power, Crests, fixing and the merits of Privilege of Rank.

Danger: High Voltage

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- Over half the cards in a recent tournament-winning Combrei deck piloted by Mouche are Power sources. With help from the the Eternal Power Calculator, let's attempt to answer the question: "When is too much Power just enough?"